commit 00332becdb5dfe508414aa84f32f6f717d4b89a3 Author: Emmet Date: Sat Apr 22 15:42:52 2023 -0500 First commit diff --git a/system/configuration.nix b/system/configuration.nix new file mode 100644 index 0000000..034ed75 --- /dev/null +++ b/system/configuration.nix @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +# Edit this configuration file to define what should be installed on +# your system. Help is available in the configuration.nix(5) man page +# and in the NixOS manual (accessible by running ‘nixos-help’). + +{ config, pkgs, ... }: + +{ + imports = + [ # Include the results of the hardware scan. + ./hardware-configuration.nix + ]; + + nix.nixPath = [ "nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos" + "nixos-config=$HOME/dotfiles/system/configuration.nix" + "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels" + ]; + + # Doas instead of sudo + security.doas.enable = true; + security.sudo.enable = false; + security.doas.extraRules = [{ + users = [ "emmet" ]; + keepEnv = true; + persist = true; + }]; + + # Bootloader. + boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true; + boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; + boot.loader.efi.efiSysMountPoint = "/boot/efi"; + + # Setup keyfile + boot.initrd.secrets = { + "/crypto_keyfile.bin" = null; + }; + + networking.hostName = "nixos"; # Define your hostname. + # networking.wireless.enable = true; # Enables wireless support via wpa_supplicant. + + # Configure network proxy if necessary + # networking.proxy.default = "http://user:password@proxy:port/"; + # networking.proxy.noProxy = ",localhost,internal.domain"; + + # Enable networking + networking.networkmanager.enable = true; + + # Set your time zone. + time.timeZone = "America/Chicago"; + + # Select internationalisation properties. + i18n.defaultLocale = "en_US.UTF-8"; + + i18n.extraLocaleSettings = { + LC_ADDRESS = "en_US.UTF-8"; + LC_IDENTIFICATION = "en_US.UTF-8"; + LC_MEASUREMENT = "en_US.UTF-8"; + LC_MONETARY = "en_US.UTF-8"; + LC_NAME = "en_US.UTF-8"; + LC_NUMERIC = "en_US.UTF-8"; + LC_PAPER = "en_US.UTF-8"; + LC_TELEPHONE = "en_US.UTF-8"; + LC_TIME = "en_US.UTF-8"; + }; + + services.gnome = { + gnome-keyring.enable = true; + }; + + services.upower.enable = true; + + services.dbus = { + enable = true; + packages = [ pkgs.dconf ]; + }; + + programs.dconf = { + enable = true; +# packages = [ pkgs.dconf ]; + }; + + # Configure X11 + services.xserver = { + enable = true; + layout = "us"; + xkbVariant = ""; + xkbOptions = "caps:escape"; + windowManager.xmonad = { + enable = true; + enableContribAndExtras = true; + }; + displayManager = { + lightdm.enable = true; + defaultSession = "none+xmonad"; + }; + }; + + services.xserver.displayManager.sessionCommands = '' + xset -dpms + xset s blank + xset r rate 350 50 + xset s 300 + ${pkgs.lightlocker}/bin/light-locker --idle-hint & + ''; + + # Bluetooth + # hardware.bluetooth.enable = true; + # services.blueman.enable = true; + + = true; + = true; + + users.defaultUserShell = pkgs.zsh; + + # Define a user account. Don't forget to set a password with ‘passwd’. + users.users.emmet = { + isNormalUser = true; + description = "Emmet K"; + extraGroups = [ "networkmanager" "wheel" ]; + packages = with pkgs; []; + }; + + # Allow unfree packages + nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; + + # List packages installed in system profile. To search, run: + # $ nix search wget + environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ + vim # Do not forget to add an editor to edit configuration.nix! The Nano editor is also installed by default. + wget + zsh + auto-cpufreq + (pkgs.writeScriptBin "sudo" ''exec doas "$@"'') + ]; + + environment.shells = with pkgs; [ zsh ]; + + # Some programs need SUID wrappers, can be configured further or are + # started in user sessions. + # = true; + programs.gnupg.agent = { + enable = true; + enableSSHSupport = true; + }; + + # List services that you want to enable: + + # Enable the OpenSSH daemon. + # services.openssh.enable = true; + + # Firewall + networking.firewall.enable = true; + # Open ports in the firewall. + # networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ ... ]; + # networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ ... ]; + # Or disable the firewall altogether. + # networking.firewall.enable = false; + + # Printing + services.printing.enable = true; + services.avahi.enable = true; + services.avahi.nssmdns = true; + services.avahi.openFirewall = true; + + # OpenGL + hardware.opengl.enable = true; + + # This value determines the NixOS release from which the default + # settings for stateful data, like file locations and database versions + # on your system were taken. It‘s perfectly fine and recommended to leave + # this value at the release version of the first install of this system. + # Before changing this value read the documentation for this option + # (e.g. man configuration.nix or on + system.stateVersion = "22.11"; # Did you read the comment? + +} diff --git a/user/home.nix b/user/home.nix new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52ce0f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/user/home.nix @@ -0,0 +1,403 @@ +{ config, pkgs, ... }: + +let + myName = "emmet"; + + # My shell aliases + myAliases = { + ls = "exa --icons -l -T -L=1"; + cat = "bat"; + htop = "btm"; + fd = "fd -Lu"; + w3m = "w3m -no-cookie -v"; + }; + + # Variables for my nix configuration paths + myNixConfigurationFilePath = "$HOME/dotfiles/system/configuration.nix"; + myHomeManagerFilePath = "$HOME/dotfiles/user/home.nix"; + + # This sets up my "phoenix" script with my configuration paths + myPhoenixScript = '' + if [ "$1" = "sync" ]; then + if [ "$2" != "user" ]; then + sudo nixos-rebuild switch -I nixos-config=''+myNixConfigurationFilePath+''; + fi + if [ "2" != "system" ]; then + home-manager switch -f ''+myHomeManagerFilePath+''; + fi + elif [ "$1" = "update" ]; then + nix-channel --update; + fi + ''; + +in + +{ + # Home Manager needs a bit of information about you and the paths it should + # manage. + home.username = myName; + home.homeDirectory = "/home/emmet"; + + programs.home-manager.enable = true; + + programs.git.enable = true; + programs.git.userName = myName; + programs.git.userEmail = ""; + programs.git.extraConfig = { + init.defaultBranch = "main"; + }; + + # This value determines the Home Manager release that your configuration is + # compatible with. This helps avoid breakage when a new Home Manager release + # introduces backwards incompatible changes. + # + # You should not change this value, even if you update Home Manager. If you do + # want to update the value, then make sure to first check the Home Manager + # release notes. + home.stateVersion = "22.11"; # Please read the comment before changing. + + # The home.packages option allows you to install Nix packages into your + # environment. + + gtk.enable = true; + gtk.theme.package = pkgs.graphite-gtk-theme.override { themeVariants = ["all"]; colorVariants = ["dark"]; tweaks = ["black"]; }; + = "Graphite-green-Dark"; + qt.enable = true; + # qt.platformTheme = "gtk"; + + home.packages = with pkgs; [ + # # Adds the 'hello' command to your environment. It prints a friendly + # # "Hello, world!" when run. + + # Core + hello + zsh + alacritty + librewolf-wayland + brave + dmenu + nitrogen + git + xmobar + qt5ct + lxappearance + (pkgs.writeScriptBin "phoenix" myPhoenixScript) + + # Doom emacs + emacs + binutils + (ripgrep.override {withPCRE2 = true;}) + gnutls + fd + imagemagick + zstd + nodePackages.javascript-typescript-langserver + sqlite + editorconfig-core-c + emacs-all-the-icons-fonts + + # Office + libreoffice-qt + mate.atril + xournalpp + gnome.geary + autokey + protonmail-bridge + syncthingtray-minimal + + # File Managers + ranger + libsForQt5.dolphin + libsForQt5.dolphin-plugins + xdragon + + # Media + gimp-with-plugins + krita + cmus + vlc + mpv + yt-dlp + blender + obs-studio + libsForQt5.kdenlive + movit + mediainfo + libmediainfo + mediainfo-gui + nsxiv + freetube + # TODO need ytsub somehow (sarowish/ytsub) + audio-recorder + # TODO need flatpak discord + betterdiscord-installer + betterdiscordctl + + # Games + #TODO need flatpak steam + gamehub + retroarch + libretro.mgba + libretro.desmume + libretro.dolphin + libretro.citra + libretro.genesis-plus-gx + airshipper + qjoypad + # TODO need flatpak minecraft + + # Command Line + neofetch lolcat cowsay + gnugrep gnused + bat exa fd bottom ripgrep + rsync + systeroid + tmux + htop + hwinfo + unzip + octave + brightnessctl + w3m + fzf + hunspell hunspellDicts.en_US-large + mimeo + pandoc + nodePackages.mermaid-cli + + # Development + + # Android + android-tools + android-udev-rules + + # CC + gcc + gnumake + cmake + autoconf + automake + libtool + + # Python + python310Full + imath + pystring + python310Packages.cffi + python310Packages.dbus-python + python310Packages.wheel + python310Packages.pyyaml + python310Packages.zipp + python310Packages.xlib + python310Packages.libvirt + python310Packages.pybind11 + python310Packages.pyatspi + python310Packages.attrs + python310Packages.autocommand + python310Packages.bcrypt + python310Packages.pycairo + python310Packages.certifi + python310Packages.chardet + + python310Packages.cryptography + python310Packages.cssselect + python310Packages.python-dateutil + python310Packages.distro + python310Packages.dnspython + python310Packages.evdev + python310Packages.ewmh + python310Packages.fastjsonschema + python310Packages.fido2 + python310Packages.python-gnupg + python310Packages.pygobject3 + python310Packages.idna + python310Packages.importlib-metadata + python310Packages.inflect + python310Packages.isodate + python310Packages.jeepney + python310Packages.keyring + python310Packages.lxml + python310Packages.markdown + python310Packages.markupsafe + python310Packages.more-itertools + python310Packages.numpy + python310Packages.ordered-set + python310Packages.packaging + python310Packages.pillow + python310Packages.pip + python310Packages.platformdirs + python310Packages.ply + python310Packages.prettytable + python310Packages.proton-client + python310Packages.protonvpn-nm-lib + python310Packages.psutil + python310Packages.pulsectl + python310Packages.pycparser + python310Packages.pycups + python310Packages.pycurl + python310Packages.pydantic + python310Packages.pyinotify + python310Packages.pyopenssl + python310Packages.pyparsing + python310Packages.pyqt5 + python310Packages.pyqt5_sip + python310Packages.pyscard + python310Packages.pythondialog + python310Packages.pyxdg + python310Packages.rdflib + python310Packages.requests + python310Packages.secretstorage + python310Packages.setproctitle + python310Packages.setuptools + python310Packages.six + python310Packages.systemd + python310Packages.tomli + python310Packages.urllib3 + python310Packages.wcwidth + python310Packages.websockets + python310Packages.python-zbar + + # Haskell + haskellPackages.haskell-language-server + haskellPackages.stack + + # Gamedev + godot + + # Other + texinfo + libffi zlib + nodePackages.ungit + + # Fonts + nerdfonts + inconsolata + inconsolata-nerdfont + iosevka + font-awesome + ubuntu_font_family + terminus_font + + # Compositor and Desktop Utils + nitrogen + picom-jonaburg + alttab + xwinwrap + xorg.xcursorthemes + + # X Utils + xdotool + xclip + ddcutil + sct + caffeine-ng + twmn + networkmanagerapplet + + # Wayland Utils + xdg-desktop-portal-wlr + wtype + # wl-clipboard-x11 + xorg.xlsclients + glfw-wayland + swayidle + swaylock + grim + slurp + wlsunset + wayshot + wev + + # TODO Configure pipewire audio server + + # Virtual Machines + libvirt + virt-manager + qemu_full + lxc + swtpm + + # Security + keepassxc + gnome.seahorse + protonvpn-gui + + # Filesystems + dosfstools + + # # overrides. You can do that directly here, just don't forget the + # # parentheses. Maybe you want to install Nerd Fonts with a limited number of + # # fonts? + # (pkgs.nerdfonts.override { fonts = [ "FantasqueSansMono" ]; }) + + # # You can also create simple shell scripts directly inside your + # # configuration. For example, this adds a command 'my-hello' to your + # # environment: + # (pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "my-hello" '' + # echo "Hello, ${config.home.username}!" + # '') + ]; + + programs.zsh = { + enable = true; + enableAutosuggestions = true; + enableCompletion = true; + enableSyntaxHighlighting = true; + shellAliases = myAliases; + oh-my-zsh = { + enable = true; + plugins = [ "git" ]; + theme = "agnoster"; + }; + }; + + programs.bash = { + enable = true; + enableCompletion = true; + shellAliases = myAliases; + }; + + home.file.".librewolf/librewolf.overrides.cfg".text = '' + pref("","Inconsolata"); + pref("font.size.variable.x-western",20); + pref("browser.toolbars.bookmarks.visibility","always"); + pref("privacy.resisttFingerprinting.letterboxing", true); + pref("network.http.referer.XOriginPolicy",2); + pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.history",false); + pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.downloads",false); + pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.cookies",false); + pref("",true); + pref("webgl"webgl.disabled",false); + ''; + + # Home Manager is pretty good at managing dotfiles. The primary way to manage + # plain files is through 'home.file'. + home.file = { + # # Building this configuration will create a copy of 'dotfiles/screenrc' in + # # the Nix store. Activating the configuration will then make '~/.screenrc' a + # # symlink to the Nix store copy. + # ".screenrc".source = dotfiles/screenrc; + + # # You can also set the file content immediately. + # ".gradle/".text = '' + # org.gradle.console=verbose + # org.gradle.daemon.idletimeout=3600000 + # ''; + }; + + # You can also manage environment variables but you will have to manually + # source + # + # ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ + # + # or + # + # /etc/profiles/per-user/emmet/etc/profile.d/ + # + # if you don't want to manage your shell through Home Manager. + home.sessionVariables = { + EDITOR = "emacsclient"; + "QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME"="qt5ct"; + }; + +}