diff --git a/README.org b/README.org index f35f295..bad9372 100644 --- a/README.org +++ b/README.org @@ -11,6 +11,11 @@ These are my dotfiles (configuration files) for my NixOS setup(s). Here is my main setup: [[themes/ayu-dark/ayu-dark.png]] +** My 55+ Themes +[[https://github.com/danth/stylix#readme][Stylix]] (and [[https://github.com/SenchoPens/base16.nix#readme][base16.nix]], of course) is amazing, allowing you to theme your entire system with base16-themes. + +Using this I have [[./themes][55+ themes]] (I add more sometimes) I can switch between on-the-fly. Visit the [[./themes][themes directory]] for more info and screenshots! + ** Install I wrote some reinstall notes for myself [[./install.org][here (install.org)]].