#!/bin/sh # This will soften the security of these dotfiles, allowing # the default unpriveleged user with UID/GID of 1000 to edit ALL FILES # in the dotfiles directory # This mainly is just here to be used by some scripts # Run this inside of ~/.dotfiles (or whatever directory you installed # the dotfiles to) # Run this as root! # BTW, this assumes your user account has a UID/GID of 1000 # After running this, YOUR UNPRIVELEGED USER CAN MAKE EDITS TO # IMPORTANT SYSTEM FILES WHICH MAY COMPROMISE THE SYSTEM AFTER # RUNNING nixos-rebuild switch! if [ "$#" = 1 ]; then SCRIPT_DIR=$1; else SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) fi pushd $SCRIPT_DIR &> /dev/null; sudo chown -R 1000:users .; popd &> /dev/null;