#+title: User-level Nix Modules #+author: Emmet Separate Nix files can be imported as modules using an import block: #+BEGIN_SRC nix imports = [ import1.nix import2.nix ... ]; #+END_SRC My user-level Nix modules are organized into this directory: - [[./app][app]] - Apps or collections of apps bundled with my configs - [[./app/browser][browser]] - Used to set default browser - [[./app/dmenu-scripts][dmenu-scripts]] - [[./app/doom-emacs][doom-emacs]] - [[./app/flatpak][flatpak]] - Installs flatpak as a utility (flatpaks must be installed manually) - [[./app/games][games]] - Gaming setup - [[./app/git][git]] - [[./app/keepass][keepass]] - [[./app/ranger][ranger]] - [[./app/terminal][terminal]] - Configuration for terminal emulators - [[./app/virtualization][virtualization]] - Virtualization and compatability layers - [[./lang][lang]] - Various bundled programming languages - I will probably get rid of this in favor of a shell.nix for every project, once I learn how that works - [[./pkgs][pkgs]] - "Package builds" for packages not in the Nix repositories - [[./pkgs/pokemon-colorscripts.nix][pokemon-colorscripts]] - [[./pkgs/rogauracore.nix][rogauracore]] - not working yet - [[./shell][shell]] - My default bash and zsh configs - [[./shell/sh.nix][sh]] - bash and zsh configs - [[./shell/cli-collection.nix][cli-collection]] - Curated useful CLI utilities - [[./style][style]] - Stylix setup (system-wide base16 theme generation) - [[./wm][wm]] - Window manager, compositor, wayland compositor, and/or desktop environment setups - [[./wm/hyprland][hyprland]] - [[./wm/xmonad][xmonad]] - [[./wm/picom][picom]] ** Variables imported from flake.nix Variables can be imported from [[../flake.nix][flake.nix]] by setting the =extraSpecialArgs= block inside the flake (see [[../flake.nix][my flake]] for more details). This allows variables to merely be managed in one place ([[../flake.nix][flake.nix]]) rather than having to manage them in multiple locations. I use this to pass a few attribute sets: - =userSettings= - Settings for the normal user (see [[../flake.nix][flake.nix]] for more details) - =systemSettings= - Settings for the system (see [[../flake.nix][flake.nix]] for more details) - =inputs= - Flake inputs (see [[../flake.nix][flake.nix]] for more details) - =pkgs-stable= - Allows me to include stable versions of packages along with (my default) unstable versions of packages - =pkgs-emacs= - Pinned version of nixpkgs I use for Emacs and its dependencies - =pkgs-kdenlive= - Pinned version of nixpkgs I use for kdenlive