{ config, pkgs, ... }: let myCbxScript = '' #!/bin/sh # this lets my copy and paste images and/or plaintext of files directly out of ranger if [ "$#" -le "2" ]; then if [ "$1" = "copy" -o "$1" = "cut" ]; then if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = "wayland" ]; then wl-copy < $2; else # xclip -selection clipboard -t $(file -b --mime-type $2) -i $2; xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png -i $2; fi fi fi ''; in { imports = [ ../../pkgs/ranger.nix ]; home.packages = with pkgs; [ ranger ripdrag highlight (pkgs.writeScriptBin "cbx" myCbxScript) ]; xdg.mimeApps.associations.added = { "inode/directory" = "ranger.desktop"; }; home.file.".config/ranger/rc.conf".source = ./rc.conf; home.file.".config/ranger/rifle.conf".source = ./rifle.conf; home.file.".config/ranger/scope.sh" = { source = ./scope.sh; executable = true; }; home.file.".config/ranger/commands.py" = { source = ./commands.py; executable = true; }; home.file.".config/ranger/commands_full.py" = { source = ./commands_full.py; executable = true; }; home.file.".config/ranger/colorschemes/hail.py" = { source = ./colorschemes/hail.py; executable = true; }; }