#+title: Doom Emacs * What is Doom Emacs? [[https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs][Doom Emacs]] is a distribution of the [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/][Emacs Text Editor]] designed for [[https://www.vim.org/][Vim]] users. I like to use Emacs due to its extensibility and extra features it is capable of (besides text editing). Some of these extra features include: - [[https://orgmode.org/][Org Mode]] (Hierarchical text-based document format) - [[https://www.orgroam.com/][Org Roam]] (A second brain / personal wiki) - [[https://orgmode.org/][Org Agenda]] (Calendar and todo list) - [[https://magit.vc/][magit]] (Git Client) [[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/librephoenix/nixos-config-screenshots/main/app/doom.png]] I have found Emacs to be incredibly efficient, and transferring my workflow to fit inside of Emacs has allowed me to get much more work done. I primarily use Emacs for writing, note-taking, task/project management and organizing information. * My Config This directory includes my Doom Emacs configuration, which consists of: - [[./config.el][config.el]] - Main configuration - [[./init.el][init.el]] - Doom modules (easy sets of packages curated by Doom) - [[./packages.el][packages.el]] - Additional packages from Melpa (Emacs package manager). - [[./themes/doom-stylix-theme.el.mustache][doom-stylix-theme.el.mustache]] - Mustache Doom Emacs template to be used with stylix, requires my [[../../style/stylix.nix][stylix.nix module]] as well - [[./doom.nix][doom.nix]] - Loads Nix Doom Emacs and my configuration into my flake when imported - A few other [[./scripts][random scripts]] My full config is a [[./doom.org][literate org document (doom.org)]].