#+title: System Profiles This directory contains various system profiles which can easily be set in [[../flake.nix][my flake.nix]] by setting the =profile= variable. Each profile directory contains a =configuration.nix= for system-level configuration and a =home.nix= for user-level configuration. Setting the =profile= variable in [[../flake.nix][my flake]] will automatically source the correct =configuration.nix= and =home.nix=. Current profiles I have available are: - [[./personal][Personal]] - What I would run on a personal laptop/desktop* - [[./work][Work]] - What I would run on a work laptop/desktop (if they let me bring my own OS :P) - [[./homelab][Homelab]] - What I would run on a server or homelab - [[./wsl][WSL]] - What I would run underneath Windows Subystem for Linux *My [[./personal][personal]] and [[./work][work]] profiles are actually functionally identical (the [[./work][work]] profile is actually imported into the [[./personal][personal]] profile)! The only difference between them is that my [[./personal][personal]] profile has a few extra things like gaming and social apps.