2024-09-16 21:46:12 -05:00

33 lines
771 B

-- This file needs to have same structure as nvconfig.lua
-- Please read that file to know all available options :(
---@type ChadrcConfig
local M = {}
M.base46 = {
theme = "stylix",
-- hl_override = {
-- Comment = { italic = true },
-- ["@comment"] = { italic = true },
-- },
M.ui = {
theme = "stylix",
nvdash = {
load_on_startup = true,
buttons = {
{ " Find File", "Spc .", "Telescope find_files" },
{ "󰙅 Nvimtree", "SPC e", "NvimTreeToggle" },
{ " Projects ", "Spc p p", "Telescope workspaces" },
{ "󰯌 Vsplit ", "Spc w v", "vsplit" },
{ "󰯋 Split ", "Spc w s", "split" },
{ "󰋗 Help", "Spc c h", "NvCheatsheet" },
return M